The hidden world of Iceland and Akureyri

Are there fairies in flowers and dwarfs in stones?


Erla Stefánsdóttir the seer, saw and perceived frequency spectrums that are hidden from normal human perception. The maps, The Wights of Iceland and Energy lines, and the Hidden world of Akureyri, are drawn from Erla’s sight. The Wights of Iceland and energy lines, is a guide to the main energy centers and energy lines of Iceland for those who would like to find the path to Nature´s innermost secrets. The Hidden world of Akureyri show some thoughtforms and hidden people and their houses and homes. These maps are drawn and designed in the hope that all those who use the maps will do so in reverence for Nature and the land.


All forms of live are filled with vital energy which flows and resounds as a magnificent symphony and is the inner manifestation of matter. The Nature is all alive and in every domestic garden there are tree spirites, flower fairies and grass-elves. Beings may inhabit rocks and there are earth gnomes in small houses that have outward appearance of small stones or pebbles.

Mother Earth is a living and vibrant being, exuding power and consciousness. Our land is unique and is endowed with a beauty which enriches the eye and nurtures the soul. I have been given a special perception which I would like to share with you but I hope that you see this as a fairy tale instead of a literal truth. If you would like to partake in the adventure, approach the maps with your heart. Enjoy in silence and happiness.

Erla Stefánsdóttir


The Wights of Iceland and Energy Lines (2014)
The map is available in English, Icelandic and German.

Thoughtforms Akureyri (2008)
The map is available in English, Icelandic and German.

Lífssýn mín (2003)
The book is available in Icelandic and German (Publisher in German is Naue Erde).

Erla’s Brief Tales (2007)
The book is available in English and Icelandic

Selling points

You can buy The Wights of Iceland and Energy Lines and The Hidden Worlds of Akureyri in the following stores:

Flóra menningarhús
Sigurhæðum, Akureyri
Shop of the Ásatrúarfélag
Menntasveigi 15, Reykjavík
Katrín Jónsdóttir
Sunnuhlíð, 606 Akureyri